Two great Clubhouse talks, one great week
Join Matt Cohen, founder and GP of Ripple Ventures as he explores the future of ecommerce and recruiting in two live tapings on Clubhouse
Tank Talks live taping is back!
Future of Recruiting with co-founder Amit Bhatia
Tuesday 4/20 at 12pm EDT/9am PDT
The struggle to find and retain top talent is real and the pandemic has created special challenges and opportunities. We dig in with Amit and discuss the current recruiting landscape and where it is heading. And how is helping solve the problems.
Future of eCommerce with Boosted Commerce president and COO Anton von Ruedel
Wednesday 4/21 at 7pm EDT/4pm PDT
Making a claim in a crowded, competitive space like eCommerce could seem impossible, but companies like Boosted Commerce and other players are finding daylight, especially as more and more consumers turn to ecommerce for their every need. We’ll talk to Anton about everything eCommerce and how they are thinking about the space.